Pigment yellow 128 CAS 79953-85-8
Yellow 128 is an organic pigment, which belongs to the category of bright yellow. The following is some information about the properties, uses, manufacturing methods and safety of Huang 128:
- Yellow 128 is a stable yellow pigment with good lightfastness and solvent resistance.
- It has a brilliant yellow color with bright colors.
- Good solubility in solvents.
- Yellow 128 is widely used in paints, coatings, plastics, rubber, fibers, ceramics and other fields as a colorant.
- Yellow 128 is often used to create yellow tones or other colors.
- Yellow 128 is generally prepared by synthetic chemistry.
- Preparation methods typically involve partial etherification and oxidation of aniline-like compounds.
Safety Information:
- Yellow 128 is generally regarded as a low-toxicity substance.
- When using or handling Yellow 128, the relevant safety operating procedures should be observed.
- Avoid contact with skin and eyes, and wear protective gloves and goggles if necessary.
- If inhaled or ingested, seek medical attention immediately.
Before using chemical substances, it is important to consult the product’s specific safety data sheet and follow the relevant safety handling guidelines.