4-Methacryloyloxyethyltrimellitic anhydride, referred to as MPO disproportionated anhydride. The following is an introduction to the properties, uses, preparation methods and safety information of this compound:Quality:MPO dismutase is a colorless to yellow crystalline powder with a pungent odor. It is soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol, methanol, and dimethylformamide, but almost insoluble in water. It is stable in air but can react with strong oxidizing agents.Use:MPO dismutase is an important intermediate in organic synthesis. It is often used as initiator, crosslinker, curing agent and polymerization aid in chemical synthesis. It is widely used in synthetic resins, coatings, rubber, plastics, textiles and surface treatment.Method:The preparation of MPO disproportionated anhydride is usually obtained by esterification of methacrylic acid, and then methyl methacrylate and trimellitic acid are transesterified under the action of acid catalyst to obtain MPO disproportionated anhydride.Safety Information:MPO dismutation anhydride is irritating and can cause irritation and redness in contact with the skin and eyes. Wear appropriate protective equipment during use and avoid direct contact between skin and eyes. Attention should be paid to the stability of the compound, and contact with strong oxidizing agents should be avoided during storage and use to prevent dangerous reactions.