1H-Indazole-7-carcoalonitrile is an organic compound. It is a white solid, odorless, and poorly soluble in water. It has a special molecular structure that allows it to be used to synthesize other organic compounds.1H-Indazole-7-carnitrile has a wide range of applications in organic synthesis. It can also be used in the preparation and synthesis of important indole compounds, such as indoles and indolesine.The method of preparing 1H-indazole-7-carnitrile can be carried out by different pathways. A common method is to react indazole with hydrocyanic acid and then react under alkaline conditions to synthesize 1H-indazole-7-formonitrile.Safety information: 1H-indazole-7-carbonitrile is relatively stable under normal conditions. Safety measures are still required when handling and using. Avoid contact with skin and eyes, and wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as gloves and goggles if necessary. It is to be stored in an airtight container, away from fire and oxidants. If you accidentally come into contact with it or cause physical discomfort, please seek medical attention promptly.